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D stands for,E stands for, M stand for

According to the NHS

Obesity is caused by eating too much and moving too little

If you consume high amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars, but don't burn off the energy through exercise and physical activity, much of the surplus energy will be stored by the body as fat.

So lets look at some quick  steps we can do to tackle this right NOW.

Diet, exercise and meditation. Keep these 3 things in mind

First of all have a look at your diet using the below as guidelines.


Your diet should  consist of

Protein - Think Quinoa Fish, Meat Beans, Lentils

Carbohydrate- whole-grains, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit

Fibre- by eating whole-grains, fresh fruit , nuts seeds, lentils etc. The fibre plays a vital part in slowing down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and so assists in maintaining good energy levels

Water- ideal intake is 2 litres a day, the body loses 1.5 litres a day by eliminating toxic elements

Vitamins-  balance hormones, enzymes boost the immune system provide protect for the skin, teeth slow the anti-ageing process. The list goes on and on, however as we do not receive our recommended daily intake from the foods that we eat, i strongly recommenced getting vitamin supplements and that too from good sources

Minerals - just like vitamins these are absolutely essential for almost every part of the functioning body

Organic Food - due to the many man made processed foods, organic food is the most natural foods available  and beneficial to the body, full of phytochemicals, an important element

Now from the internal to the external


We all know the importance of exercise, and this can come in many forms, from dancing to yoga, starting and setting a routine so that is becomes part of your lifestyle is of utmost importance, otherwise we quickly fall back into our previous ways


Meditation is great for dealing and coping with  a stressful day, or project, even just to get yourself connected to you. It can internally supercharge you, improve your mood and make you more aware and intuitively more acute.

Having and using the knowledge above. Start now for a new and better you.

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